We are a mixed club, founded in 1990.

    Current membership is around 70, and the club has a full fixture list of mixed friendly matches, which are played at weekends and Wednesday evenings.  In addition there are men's teams in the Kennet League, and the ladies play a number of friendly matches with local clubs, as well as participating in the Thames Valley Ladies League.

    We are affiliated to the Royal County of Berkshire Bowling Association, and the English Bowls Association. More information on these organisations can be found in the Links section, as can an interesting article on bowls etiquette.

    For new bowlers, coaching sessions are available on Monday evenings.
    Burghfield Bowls Club is proud of its reputation as a welcoming and friendly club, so why not pop along to the club or contact one of our team via the Contact Us section.

    Burghfield Bowls Club
    Reading Road
    Burghfield Bridge
    Berkshire  RG30 3RD 

    Where we play


    Latest Club News
    16 Dec, 2007
    Merry Christmas

    The Management Committee would like to wish all it's members a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. 

    The Club is holding it's annual skittles evening at The Dog & Partridge at Riseley, on Sat 2 February 2008, from 7.00pm.

    Until then, "Winter Well"

    28 Oct, 2007
    Presentation Night

    There are some photographs taken at our recent Presentation Night posted within the Gallery section of this web site, (click here). Tip: Click on the photograph to view it larger, opens in a new window.
    If any member would like personal copies of any of these photo's, then please get in touch with Dave Bartlett ()

    Don't forget the AGM is on Tuesday 6 November.

    Winter well.  :0)


    09 Sep, 2007


    MIXED TRIPLES: Cheryl Colby, David & Marjorie Williams (beat Joe, Dave & Sandie)
    NOVICE:  Robert Taylor (beat Val)
    LADIES TWO WOOD: Cheryl Colby (beat Marjorie)
    TWO WOOD PAIRS: Margaret & John Meager (beat Dave & Joe)
    HANDICAP: Sandie Bartlett (beat John Richardson)
    MIXED PAIRS:  Cheryl Colby & Kevin Butcher (beat Dave & Sandie)
    LADIES SINGLES:  Cheryl Colby (beat Gillian)
    MENS SINGLES:  Dave Bartlett (beat Chris)
    OPEN:  Kevin Belcher (beat brother Gary)

    Congratulations to all the winners, commiserations to the 'Finalists' - take heed - you got there!

    Remember: Presentation Evening 19 October The Millhouse at Swallowfield.

    Check out the winners photo's in the updated Club Gallery.