Address: Mill Road, West Chiltington, West Sussex, RH20 2PZ
Link to detailed map of area: West Chiltington Recreation Ground
A24 from the North
Take the A24 to the Buck Barn traffic lights and turn right onto the A272. Follow the road for 3 miles to Coolham. Turn left onto the B2139 towards Storrington and follow for 2.5 miles past the B2133 junction and turn right into West Chiltington Road. Drive for 2 miles past the crossroads and the Queens Head pub. The Village Hall & Recreation Ground is on the right.
A24 from the South and from the East
Turn left at the A283 junction at Washington Roundabout. Follow the road for 2 miles to Storrington. Turn right at the mini-roundabout and at the top of the hill turn left into Fryern Road. Follow the road for 2 miles past the crossroads and down the steep hill. The The Village Hall & Recreation Ground is on the left.
From the West
Take the A283 to Pulborough and follow the road towards Storrington and turn left into West Chiltington Lane and follow the road for 2 miles onto Harborough Hill. At the crossroads turn left and down the hill. The The Village Hall & Recreation Ground is on the left.