User Guide
To help you setup up your new Sportstation website quickly and easily and also share a few hints and tips have a quick read through our user guide below.
If you have any questions or are still having trouble setting up your site drop our support team a line through the contact page and we'll help you get setup and running!
- On the main Sportstation page click on member's area on the top right or login/register in the left-hand margin & enter your login details in the fields provided.
- Next click on start building/edit my site. This will take you to your webmaster admin area where you can change the look of your site and add in any content.
- Firstly click on main club site settings in the centre of the page. You will be presented with a variety of website layouts for you to choose from. Simply click on the button to the left of your desired design to select one. Below the website layouts you can change the colour of the site text, links, and colours of the main site. If you have a club logo/badge that you want to display on the site you can enter this too. Have a play around with the different colours and settings to get the look you want. Once you have finished click update and you will be taken back to the main menu.
Tip: Your site won't be live on the internet until you tick the "put site in live mode" box at the top of this page. This gives you the chance to get everything perfect before going live to the world!
- Now click on home page settings. This is the page your users will see first and will act as your homepage. Here you can enter a welcome message into the text box, change the fonts, text colour and sizes to get the look you want. Next choose the number of news stories you want to display on your homepage from the drop down box. Once you have finished click update.
On the bottom of the page you can also create an online poll for your homepage. In the survey field enter your question and then below create answers for your users. Once finished make sure you click save!
Tip: To put a link into the text click the button with the small globe (labelled 'hyperlink'). In the pop-up box enter the url that you want to click through to and a name for the link (it could be click here for example). In the target drop down list we recommend using new empty window, this will open the link in a new browser window and will not take your users away from your site.
- Now it's time to enter some news stories and features to your website. Click on news sections on the main menu and at the top of the page choose between latest stories and features, depending on what you want to add. Enter your title and main body of text into the box as before. Choose the date to which you wish the story to be displayed as and upload an image using the browse button. Your latest stories will automatically appear on your homepage and within your news sections. Depending on how many news stories you have decided to show within your homepage settings older news will be displayed automatically in your news archive.
Tip: Do you know a little html? Click on the html tab on the bottom right of the text box and enter your html script!
- Next click on about the club in the main menu. A page will appear listing all the possible sections you can include about your sports club. To edit an individual section click on the relevant link in the left-hand margin. You can then add text and images to each of your sections.
Tip: Tick/un-tick the box at the bottom of each of these sections to choose whether they will appear on your website.
- To add information about your players click on the club players section. Click on edit player sections to create a category for your information (such as first team or junior players) and then click on edit statistics field caption. This allows you to enter stats for each of your player entries, such as appearances, goals etc. Finally click on add player and enter their details, picture and stats.
- The last two links in the About the Club section are editable so that you can change the title of these links to anything you like. Simply click on each section, enter your chosen link name at the top of the page and click on the "change title" button and then "update" at the bottom of the page.
- Now we're going to create a league table for your site. In the main menu click league table to be taken to the setup/edit screen for this section. To add new teams to your league table simply fill out the form with the relevant information and click add. To edit an existing team on your league table click on their team name and alter any of the necessary data. If you wish to use an external league table and display it on your site simply enter the url in the field provided towards the bottom of the page. Once you have created/updated your league table click update!
- Have a player interview that you want to share with your users? Make them a featured player on your site! On the main menu click featured player and add in your player name, picture and text. At the bottom of this page you can also view any questions your users have posted on your site for any upcoming player interviews.
- Your website comes complete with its very own online forum. Here your players, users and supporters can exchange views, opinions and debate that dubious penalty decision! In the main menu click on forum to edit this section. Here you can create, edit and delete posts and also make some of your users forum moderators. To assign a forum member as a moderator click on their username whilst logged into your site editor and then click the "make this user a moderator" box.
- To create links to websites that your users might find of interest select the links section. Simply enter the link name, url and short description to list it on your site.
- So your users can get in touch with you and compliment you on your new website you can also enter all your contact details in the contact us section.
- Finally make sure you login regularly to maintain your website and keep it up to date with all your latest news stories, pictures and results!
For a guide to search engine optimisation (SEO) click here.