Nick Wylie produces a fine stroke against Helmdon (27/04/07)
Nick Wylie notices Anne the man is in the crowd just before going to bat against Hemdon (24/07/07)
Nick Wylie and Bullet Coles do the key inspection prior to the Helmdon match (27/04/07)
Farmer talking to Beefy about the best time to sow your seeds!.
Scud and Bullet enjoying the sunshine. Hemldon (27/04/07)
Nick Wylie wishes he wore his box when he went out to bat !. Gawcot (13/05/07)
Fisher in his posing pouch! Gawcott (13/05/07)
Parker shows off his bruise after being hit with the ball whilst batting. Gawcott (13/05/07)
Scud looks dejected after being dismissed for a duck. Gawcorr (13/05/07)
Nick Wylie inspects the wicket prior to the Helmdon game (27/04/07)
May Player of the month Mike Springal pictured with some lovely pansies. Brackley Home (26/05/07)
You guys!!!!. Springal and Fisher muck about!!!. Brackley home (26/05/07)
The boys relex before the game at Gayton (3/06/07)
CD enjoys the sunshine prior to the Gayton match (03/06/07)
Farmer and CD in the girls changing before the Daventry match (09/06/07).